Celebrate Us Home

Published December 9, 2015 by lamarrwenrich


My Eyes atrophying losing sight of the living
your eyes crystal clear filled with hope..
My nerves on edge straining to hear any remnants of life
Beautiful face smiling at every sound you hear and
Legs free to move about
While my walk is bound with legs that betray me
Twisted face scrawled with anger remembering all things that once were..
Each moment new to you
Happiness etched on your face..
Anger hurt frustration have taken root in my home
You are lost in a far better place
Your smile exuding peace..
I want us
Your steady soft hand slowly touching me
calming my frustration
releasing my anger
covering my hurt
I want the magic of you
I am the air you breathe
Such Memories..good&bad
Moments of love shared
hearts Synced
Never outgrowing us
I’ll carry you&you carry me
Till we draw our last breath
Our tenderness never extinguished
substance of our profound love carried on through six beautiful souls
We are never-ending❤️


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